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UNIT 39/45 Sales Management
This unit introduces students to the discipline of sales management for the 21st century. Changing dynamics between buyers and sellers, driven by the fast-paced evolution of e-commerce and globalization, has led organisations to review and adapt their sales management approach in response to a customer driven culture.
This unit gives a comprehensive overview of sales management and equips students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s increasingly complex and fast-paced sales environment. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit a student will be able to: 1 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of sales management. 2 Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’. 3 Analyse and apply principles of successful selling. 4 Demonstrate an understanding of the finance of selling.
LO1. By the end of module 1 students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of sales management
Introduction and scope of sales management:
LO2. By the end of module 2 you will be able to:
Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognise the importance of ’selling through others’
Sales leadership and the sales executive:
LO3. By the end of module 3, you will be able to:
Analyse and apply principles of successful selling
Turning customer information into knowledge:
LO4. By the end of module 4, you will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the finance of selling
Portfolio management:
This unit introduces students to the discipline of sales management for the 21st century. Changing dynamics between buyers and sellers, driven by the fast-paced evolution of e-commerce and globalization, has led organisations to review and adapt their sales management approach in response to a customer driven culture.
This unit gives a comprehensive overview of sales management and equips students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s increasingly complex and fast-paced sales environment. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit a student will be able to: 1 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of sales management. 2 Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’. 3 Analyse and apply principles of successful selling. 4 Demonstrate an understanding of the finance of selling.
LO1. By the end of module 1 students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of sales management
Introduction and scope of sales management:
- Definition of sales management and the key aspects of sales management, including planning, selling and reporting.
- Strategies for measuring and monitoring, including the sales funnel and hit rate metric.
- Different modes of selling (B2B and B2C) and their impact upon buyer and seller roles and dynamics.
- Consumer buying behaviour process.
- Business buying behaviour process.
- Sales promotions and incentives.
- the use of Skype, video conferencing on tablet devices for improved communication; online events and sales training to improve sales skills and productivity and cloud computing to improve information access.
LO2. By the end of module 2 you will be able to:
Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognise the importance of ’selling through others’
Sales leadership and the sales executive:
- Ethics of behavior, law and sales leadership.
- Designing and organizing the sales force and choosing the right structure: geography, product and customer-based design.
- Appropriate recruitment and training to develop an efficient sales force.
- Supervising, managing and leading the sales force.
- Goal setting, managing performance and reward of the sales force
- ‘Selling through others’ − the advantages of using different sales channels.
LO3. By the end of module 3, you will be able to:
Analyse and apply principles of successful selling
Turning customer information into knowledge:
- Classification of sales leads: hot, warm and cold.
- The cold vs warm approach. Successful pitching and positioning.
- Negotiation techniques and tactics: closing sale, handling objections, when to say ‘no’, ethics of behaviour and overpromising.
- Building and managing relationships.
- Exit and terminating relationships.
LO4. By the end of module 4, you will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the finance of selling
Portfolio management:
- Calculating margins. Payment mechanisms and terms.
- The sales cycle.
- Industry specific sales cycle management.
- Overall, performance management.
HAIR, J., ANDERSON, R., MEHTA, R. and BABIN, B. (2008) Sales Management: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships. 1st ed. London: Cengage Learning.
JOBBER, D. and LANCASTER, G. (2015) Selling and Sales Management. Harlow: Pearson.
TANNER, J., HONEYCUTT, E. and ERFFMEYER, R. (2013) Sales Management. Harlow: Pearson.
WEINBERG, M. (2015) Sales Management. Simplified: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales. New York: Amacom.
HAIR, J., ANDERSON, R., MEHTA, R. and BABIN, B. (2008) Sales Management: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships. 1st ed. London: Cengage Learning.
JOBBER, D. and LANCASTER, G. (2015) Selling and Sales Management. Harlow: Pearson.
TANNER, J., HONEYCUTT, E. and ERFFMEYER, R. (2013) Sales Management. Harlow: Pearson.
WEINBERG, M. (2015) Sales Management. Simplified: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales. New York: Amacom.
After completing this module you will be able to:
LO 2. Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
The goal of this module is to evaluate: the benefits of sales structures, how they're organised and can be implemented; and explain the importance and advantages of 'selling through' others.
After completing this module you will be able to:
LO 2. Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
The goal of this module is to evaluate: the benefits of sales structures, how they're organised and can be implemented; and explain the importance and advantages of 'selling through' others.
- P2 Evaluate the benefits of sales structures and how they are organised using specific organisational examples.
- P3 Explain the importance and the advantages of the concept of ‘selling through’ others.
- M2 Critically evaluate the implementation of different types of sales structures using specific organisational examples (e.g. geographic, marketing, product sales).
- Sales leadership and the sales executive: Ethics of behavior, law and sales leadership.
- Designing and organizing the sales force and choosing the right structure: geography, product and customer-based design.
- Appropriate recruitment and training to develop an efficient sales force.
- Supervising, managing and leading the sales force.
- Goal setting, managing performance and reward of the sales force
- ‘Selling through others’ − the advantages of using different sales channels.
Mandatory Survey. Rate your competency against the learning outcomes in this module.
Please complete this Survey before you start the new course. You'll be asked to review your answers later in the course as part of a graded assignment. You'll be instructed to look back (reflect) and assess what you've learned on this course. PLUS! your answers will useful to the Lecturer to determine your prior knowledge in the subject and tailor the lessons and learning activities to better support your needs
Please complete this Survey before you start the new course. You'll be asked to review your answers later in the course as part of a graded assignment. You'll be instructed to look back (reflect) and assess what you've learned on this course. PLUS! your answers will useful to the Lecturer to determine your prior knowledge in the subject and tailor the lessons and learning activities to better support your needs
How familiar are you with the content covered in this module?
Rate your current competency against the learning outcomes for this module on the following scale:
1 = Novice. This subject matter is completely new to me.
2 = Partial understanding or competence. I have a basic understanding of the subject matter but still require support.
3 = Average understanding or competence. I have a fair grasp of the subject matter and its application.
4 = Above average understanding or competence. I have a strong grasp of the subject matter and could easily apply it in a variety of contexts.
5 = Expert. I have mastered this subject area, and I could teach it to others.
Read the questions provided in the Student Survey Form below and check the appropriate answers...
How The Tasks In the Assignments Are Constructed And The Grading Criteria
Your performance on the assessment will indicate if you’re reading, memorizing, paying attention, and taking the right notes. To do well, you’ll need to apply what you’re learning to the situations presented to you in the assignment. Here are ways you can correctly use what you’re learning to improve your grades, become more confident, and contribute effectively to group work:
- We want to make learning fun, and so we’ve included many practical and interactive elements in the program. To increase your learning and engagement, we’re using a wide variety of teaching methods and assessments: traditional lecture, powerpoint, video, audio, field study, abstract models, diagrams, case studies, concept maps and examples to help connect what we’re teaching to make the information and learning experience practical, relevant, relatable and meaningful to the students.
- For assessments and activities, we mix traditional paper methods, mandatory class discussions, short assignments, and online multiple choice quizzes to help you to memorize the vocabulary and concepts that you might be struggling to remember and retain. For the quiz, the use of testing software allow you to take the test and receive the results immediately.
- Direct engagement encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and we have research papers, essays, debates, forums, video and audio assignments, and teamwork so you can work through problems with a partner and support each other in the areas that you’re most challenged.
- We make sure we calculate all your efforts so everything count towards your grades.
- Your prior knowledge,
- The contents you’re learning now, and your
- Development of your cognitive abilities to undertake more complex task as you progress in the program.
How The Tasks In the Assignments Are Constructed And The Grading Criteria
- Course-related knowledge (called content knowledge);
- Correct use of the command verb
- Applying and using the content knowledge in a context and constructive way e.g. to solve problem and make decisions in the case situation/context given; solve an accounting problem; create a concept map etc.
- Competencies in the academic domain e.g. quality and breath of the discussion, use of appropriate language, vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction; comprehension of the assignment and executing the task correctly; Harvard Referencing Standards
- Attention to instructions
- Grade Achievement e.g. Pass, Merit and Distinction
- Attitudes, values, and self-awareness
Your performance on the assessment will indicate if you’re reading, memorizing, paying attention, and taking the right notes. To do well, you’ll need to apply what you’re learning to the situations presented to you in the assignment. Here are ways you can correctly use what you’re learning to improve your grades, become more confident, and contribute effectively to group work:
- The topic is the subject of the assignment. All information available on this topic is content knowledge. For example, what the topic is about, what it does, how it works, the positive and negative influences – how its impacting or being impacted by other issues (pros/benefits or cons/limitations/drawbacks). Learn all the information, so you’re ready to use this content knowledge in different ways..
- You’ll also need to show your assessor and audience the depth of your understanding. To test the level of your knowledge, you’re given specific commands, e.g. to explain, analyze, describe, compare, apply etc. These are the command verbs to tell you how to carry out the assignment correctly. You must also study what each Command Verb requires to use the content knowledge correctly. For example, comparing is not explaining, and explaining is not analyzing, and if you don’t know the difference, you’ll incorrectly execute the assignment.
- The assignments have command verbs, topic, and contexts to demonstrate that you can use content knowledge constructively and in different situations/contexts/settings, e.g. to solve a problem in a case study, accounting formula, or statistical equation, etc.
- Pay attention to further instructions given the assignment and meet academic conventions. Carefully read the instructions and assignment given then identify the critical parts of the task. You must satisfactorily demonstrate three main criteria to pass the course.
- Set up a meeting with your Success Manager to go-over the feedback and plan for the achievement of these competencies.
Module Rules And Restrictions
Learning Outcomes (LO) are called modules. There are four (4) modules to be covered on Unit 45 Sales Management. Each module has graded assignments.
Pass Grades
Assignments marked as P e.g. P1, are compulsory. You must do all all P tasks on the module. If you achieve the grade, you're award Pass for that assignment.
Referred Grade
If you do not achieve the pass grade, you're awarded the Referred Grade, and can re-sit the assignment. Resit fee is $12.00 per task. You'll only be allowed to resit a module twice. Any unit that has a referred grade is capped at a pass. This means that you cannot earn a higher grade for this unit e.g. if you earn a referred grade on P1 in module 1 of unit 35, you cannot earn a merit or distinction on unit 35.
Late Work
Your assignment must be submitted no later than 11:30 PM on the due date. Submitting late work is strongly discouraged. If an unplanned event occurs, you have a maximum of two days to submit with late fee of $5 paid with the late assignment.
Extenuating Circumstances
If you have supporting evidence of extenuating circumstances you can apply for further extension for late assignment submission. See the published list of issues considered 'extenuating'. Permission for extenuating circumstances cannot extend beyond the final day of the semester. You'll pay the late penalty of $15, when submitting the assignment on the given date.
Fail Grade
If you fail to complete and submit the 'P' tasks on the assignment, your grade is Incomplete (IC/NC), which is a fail grade. If you earn a fail grade on the unit, you must retake the assignments at the full 'per-course rate' that is published in Tuition Schedule.
If you fail to secure a pass grade after resitting twice on a module, you'll be awarded a fail, and will need to take over the class and all the assignments at the full 'per-course rate' published in the Tuition Schedule.
If you plagiarize at any point on this unit, your paper will awarded a fail. Plagiarism can be committed in a number of ways, please see the handbook. If you earn a fail grade, and will need to take over the class and all the assignments at the full 'per-course rate' published in the Tuition Schedule.
Higher Grades
You can earn a merit or distinction grade on this Module when you achieve the criteria for the tasks listed as M and D e.g. M1, D1 etc. While we'll encourage you to attempt all tasks on the assignment, it's not compulsory for you to attempt the tasks for merit and distinction in the assignments. In other words, you don't have to do the tasks listed as M and D. If you miss one M or D task, do not attempt the others, as you'll need to earn the grades for all M tasks, to earn Merit. For the distinction, you'll need to earn the grade for all the Ms and Ds.
You can achieve the merit grade only when you earn both the pass (P) and merit (M) grades on the module. If you're undertaking task on the assignment marked 'M' e.g. M1 you're attempting the merit grade. If you do not earn the merit grade, you can only be awarded the pass grade, as long as you satisfied the Pass criteria. You cannot resit a M task after you attempted it once. The grade will be capped at a pass for the unit.
You can achieve the distinction grade only when you earn the pass (P), merit (M) and distinction (D) grades on the module. If you're undertaking the task on the assignment marked 'D' e.g. D1, you're attempting the distinction grade. If you do not achieve the grade, you can be awarded the merit grade, as long as you satisfied the criteria for the pass and merit. You cannot resit a D task after you attempted it once. The grade will be capped at a merit for the unit.
There are no notices for this class
Lesson 4 Graded Activities
Lesson 5 Graded Activities
Lesson 6 Graded Activities
Satisfaction Survey
You will be able to:
LO2: Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
You will be able to:
LO2: Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
- P2 Evaluate the benefits of sales structures and how they are organised using specific organisational examples.
- M2 Critically evaluate the implementation of different types of sales structures using specific organisational examples (e.g. geographic, marketing, product sales).
The following video looks at how sales structures are organised and the channels that organisations may use for 'selling through' others
Sales force structure is said by to answer two central questions: "how to divide up all the sales activities among different types of salespeople, and how to coordinate and control the activities to meet the firm’s goals." Sales force structures are often represented by organization charts with accompanying job descriptions for the various roles.
Sales organization structure is:
Purposes of sales organization:
Underpinning principles of sales organizations:
Basics/foundational elements of organizational structure:
Sales organizations may be structured in four basic ways (types of sales organizations):
The sales force can be structured in several different ways:
Sales Department Structure
- Examine what 'evaluate' and 'critically evaluate' mean
- Review the supporting literature on sales structures
- Review the supporting literature on the benefits of the different sales structures
- Evaluate the benefits of sales structures
- Evaluate how these structures are organised using specific organisational examples.
Sales force structure is said by to answer two central questions: "how to divide up all the sales activities among different types of salespeople, and how to coordinate and control the activities to meet the firm’s goals." Sales force structures are often represented by organization charts with accompanying job descriptions for the various roles.
Sales organization structure is:
- How the business divide up all the sales activities among the different type of salespeople
- How the sales department is structured to coordinate, control and carry out the entire sales activities to meet the company's goals
Purposes of sales organization:
- It performs the sales functions of planning, organizing, managing, staffing, and controlling the selling and distribution of the products/services.
Underpinning principles of sales organizations:
- Strategic and careful planning and aligning
- Leadership, management, monitoring and controlling
- Co-ordination and communication
- Organizing, Specialization, Selling, and Team-working e.g. sales pods
- Motivating and incentives
- Ethics and transparency
- Efficiency and effectiveness
- Relationship, trust and loyalty
- Performance and Reporting
Basics/foundational elements of organizational structure:
- Departmentalization
- Chain of command
- Span of control
- Centralization or decentralization
- Work specialization
- Degree of formalization
Sales organizations may be structured in four basic ways (types of sales organizations):
- Line
- Line and Staff
- Functional
- Committee
The sales force can be structured in several different ways:
- Geographical organizational structure
- Product Sales Force Structure
- Market-based Structures
- Functional Structures
Sales Department Structure
- What is structure?
- Sales Department Structure: Customer-Oriented or Product-Oriented Structure of sales departments
- Why structure follows strategy; and
- Example of a sales department structure
High Stakes Assignments
Activities For Lesson Four: Week 4
- Essay Writing (required activity: graded)
Review the literature surrounding the benefits of sales structures and their organisation, and answer the questions provided
Review the literature surrounding the benefits of sales structures and their organisation, and answer the questions provided
TOPIC: P2 Evaluate the benefits of sales structures and how they are organised using specific organizational examples.
RYDE South Florida is looking at its reopening strategy in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, and there is a prevailing dilemma within the company whether to allocate more of the budget to sales or marketing. Dain Sobers, Vice President of Sales is arguing that to do the pendulum swing from sales to marketing is wrong-headed: “There are three points that motivates one to buy, says Sobers, and it is different with every person. Out of the three motives – economic, social, and personal – at least one will prevail. However, it may be all three, and economic reasons are far less the motivation than one would believe.”
“There is a detachment,” Sobers explains, “people forget that marketing helps people to sell better – it is not a substitute. The solution is to train salespeople to sell the human relationship...Having the right sales force structure will allow the company to conduct effective sales processes with every targeted customer segment, directing the selling effort to the right products, markets, and activities, while utilizing sales resources efficiently…The structure of the sales force can have a significant impact on the customer and company results." Sobers is adamant that expanding a business in an economic crisis is no different than trying to sell in tough competitive markets – markets where he got his teeth cut in sales: Relationship is the key to sales and “Success should NOT depend on economic conditions,” Sobers said.
Consider the concerns of the company in allocating its scarce resources during difficult economic times and expand on the argument being made by Sobers that focusing on selling and effective sales organization is the answer to successfully lead the company from the economic abyss in the wake of COVID19.
Essential Questions
This assignment should be no more than a 700-word persuasive essay that is also drawing on organizational examples. You may wish to consider these important questions in meeting the assessment criteria:
(9 hours: 5 hours reading and note taking and 4 hours writing)
Optional Task Only For Higher Grade: Merit
For merit grade, use the resources provided to identify appropriate organisational examples. Compare and critically evaluate how any three of the different sales structures were implemented.
(Additional 4 hours: 2 hours reading and note taking and 2 hours writing)
1. You're expected to engage completely in the assignment and develop your answers in a meaningful way to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and the ability to apply what you've learned in a realistic and constructive way.
2. Activity One will require that you read the resources linked in the lesson content, and use the literature to address the given tasks.
3. For P2, your answer should be no more than 700 words and completed and submitted by May 18. For P2 and M1, your answer should be 1,000 words.
4. Use your own words, plagiarism is unacceptable. If you plagiarize on any assignment, you'll be awarded a fail grade for the unit. Before starting any assignments on the semester, be sure to read the information provided on what is plagiarism and how to avoid it.
5. Your work should be neatly typed, using Arial Font and font size 11.
6. You will submit this assignment twice: 1) First, you'll download the document that is attached below and complete the assignment. Save and upload the file using the upload option below; and 2) Copy and paste the same answer in the box provided below.
7. The only acceptable format for the uploaded work is in PDF.
8. Read these instructions carefully before you attempt the task.
9. This assignment is mandatory for passing the course.
Due On | May 18
LATE ASSIGNMENT AND EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: The assignment is to be submitted on-time. See the instructions about late submissions and special conditions for extenuating circumstances.
RYDE South Florida is looking at its reopening strategy in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, and there is a prevailing dilemma within the company whether to allocate more of the budget to sales or marketing. Dain Sobers, Vice President of Sales is arguing that to do the pendulum swing from sales to marketing is wrong-headed: “There are three points that motivates one to buy, says Sobers, and it is different with every person. Out of the three motives – economic, social, and personal – at least one will prevail. However, it may be all three, and economic reasons are far less the motivation than one would believe.”
“There is a detachment,” Sobers explains, “people forget that marketing helps people to sell better – it is not a substitute. The solution is to train salespeople to sell the human relationship...Having the right sales force structure will allow the company to conduct effective sales processes with every targeted customer segment, directing the selling effort to the right products, markets, and activities, while utilizing sales resources efficiently…The structure of the sales force can have a significant impact on the customer and company results." Sobers is adamant that expanding a business in an economic crisis is no different than trying to sell in tough competitive markets – markets where he got his teeth cut in sales: Relationship is the key to sales and “Success should NOT depend on economic conditions,” Sobers said.
Consider the concerns of the company in allocating its scarce resources during difficult economic times and expand on the argument being made by Sobers that focusing on selling and effective sales organization is the answer to successfully lead the company from the economic abyss in the wake of COVID19.
Essential Questions
This assignment should be no more than a 700-word persuasive essay that is also drawing on organizational examples. You may wish to consider these important questions in meeting the assessment criteria:
- What are the different ways that the sales force can be structured?
- What are the relationships between sales force design and sales processes within a company?
- Evaluate the benefits of the sales structures to both the customer and the company’s results.
- Evaluate the benefits of the different types of sales force organisation.
(9 hours: 5 hours reading and note taking and 4 hours writing)
Optional Task Only For Higher Grade: Merit
- M2 Critically evaluate the implementation of different types of sales structures using specific organizational examples (e.g. geographic, marketing, product sales).
For merit grade, use the resources provided to identify appropriate organisational examples. Compare and critically evaluate how any three of the different sales structures were implemented.
(Additional 4 hours: 2 hours reading and note taking and 2 hours writing)
1. You're expected to engage completely in the assignment and develop your answers in a meaningful way to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and the ability to apply what you've learned in a realistic and constructive way.
2. Activity One will require that you read the resources linked in the lesson content, and use the literature to address the given tasks.
3. For P2, your answer should be no more than 700 words and completed and submitted by May 18. For P2 and M1, your answer should be 1,000 words.
4. Use your own words, plagiarism is unacceptable. If you plagiarize on any assignment, you'll be awarded a fail grade for the unit. Before starting any assignments on the semester, be sure to read the information provided on what is plagiarism and how to avoid it.
5. Your work should be neatly typed, using Arial Font and font size 11.
6. You will submit this assignment twice: 1) First, you'll download the document that is attached below and complete the assignment. Save and upload the file using the upload option below; and 2) Copy and paste the same answer in the box provided below.
7. The only acceptable format for the uploaded work is in PDF.
8. Read these instructions carefully before you attempt the task.
9. This assignment is mandatory for passing the course.
Due On | May 18
LATE ASSIGNMENT AND EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: The assignment is to be submitted on-time. See the instructions about late submissions and special conditions for extenuating circumstances.
You will be able to:
LO2: Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
You will be able to:
LO2: Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
- P3 Explain the importance and advantages of the concept of ‘selling through’ others.
- To examine what 'explain' means
- Review supporting literature on the importance of the concept of 'selling through' others
- Review supporting literature on different sales channels
- Review supporting literature on the advantages of 'selling through' others
- Explain the importance and advantages of the concept of ‘selling through’ others.
- Methods, benefits and importance of 'selling through' others
- Channels of selling through others
High Stakes Assignment
P3 Explaining the importance and advantages of the concept of 'selling through' other
P3 Explaining the importance and advantages of the concept of 'selling through' other
Graded Activity For Lesson 5
- Speech Writing (required activity: graded)
RYDE South Florida is a travel and tourism business selling scheduled airport transportation, packaged vacations, and attraction tours directly to consumers through its website and in-house travel representatives. In the wake of the recent Coronavirus pandemic, management has agreed to expand their sales channels and is considering 'selling through' others. You are the VP of Sales and the responsibility falls on you to study and explain the advantages, importance, and long-term implications for the company when 'selling through' others.
1. What does the concept of 'selling through' others means?
2. Considering the nature of its business and customers, what are the different sales channels which are available to the company?
3. Explain the advantages and importance of the company adopting this strategy.
4. What are the long-term implications for the company?
1. Prepare a speech to be presented to the management team of the company.
2. You will conduct the relevant research into 'selling through' others and make persuasive arguments which are outlining and explaining the benefits and importance of 'selling through' others and adopting all sales channels available to the company.
3. You should think about what you have read, make clear arguments, and keep the discussion focused while honing the topic.
4. Draw on existential literature and organisational exemplars to validate, reinforce and solidify your arguments.
5. You're expected to engage completely in the assignment and develop your answers in a meaningful way to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and the ability to apply what you've learned in a realistic and constructive way.
6. Your answer should be no more than 500 words and completed and submitted by May 22.
7. Your work should be neatly typed, using Arial Font and font size 11.
8. Use your own words, plagiarism is unacceptable. If you plagiarize on any assignment, you'll be awarded a fail grade for the unit. Before starting any assignments on the semester, be sure to read the information provided on what is plagiarism and how to avoid it.
9. You will submit this assignment twice: 1) First, you'll download the document that is attached to your Learn 'n Go account and complete the assignment. Save and upload the file using the upload option below; and 2) Copy and paste the same answer in the box provided below.
10. The only acceptable format for the uploaded work is in PDF.
11. Read these instructions carefully before you attempt the task.
12. This assignment is mandatory for passing the course.
13. Review the case information for RyDe South Florida at www.rydesouthflorida.com
Due On | May 22
LATE ASSIGNMENT AND EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: The assignment is to be submitted on-time. See the instructions about late submissions and special conditions for extenuating circumstances.
Four (4) hours reading and Four hours writing | 400 - 500 words maximum
RYDE South Florida is a travel and tourism business selling scheduled airport transportation, packaged vacations, and attraction tours directly to consumers through its website and in-house travel representatives. In the wake of the recent Coronavirus pandemic, management has agreed to expand their sales channels and is considering 'selling through' others. You are the VP of Sales and the responsibility falls on you to study and explain the advantages, importance, and long-term implications for the company when 'selling through' others.
1. What does the concept of 'selling through' others means?
2. Considering the nature of its business and customers, what are the different sales channels which are available to the company?
3. Explain the advantages and importance of the company adopting this strategy.
4. What are the long-term implications for the company?
1. Prepare a speech to be presented to the management team of the company.
2. You will conduct the relevant research into 'selling through' others and make persuasive arguments which are outlining and explaining the benefits and importance of 'selling through' others and adopting all sales channels available to the company.
3. You should think about what you have read, make clear arguments, and keep the discussion focused while honing the topic.
4. Draw on existential literature and organisational exemplars to validate, reinforce and solidify your arguments.
5. You're expected to engage completely in the assignment and develop your answers in a meaningful way to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and the ability to apply what you've learned in a realistic and constructive way.
6. Your answer should be no more than 500 words and completed and submitted by May 22.
7. Your work should be neatly typed, using Arial Font and font size 11.
8. Use your own words, plagiarism is unacceptable. If you plagiarize on any assignment, you'll be awarded a fail grade for the unit. Before starting any assignments on the semester, be sure to read the information provided on what is plagiarism and how to avoid it.
9. You will submit this assignment twice: 1) First, you'll download the document that is attached to your Learn 'n Go account and complete the assignment. Save and upload the file using the upload option below; and 2) Copy and paste the same answer in the box provided below.
10. The only acceptable format for the uploaded work is in PDF.
11. Read these instructions carefully before you attempt the task.
12. This assignment is mandatory for passing the course.
13. Review the case information for RyDe South Florida at www.rydesouthflorida.com
Due On | May 22
LATE ASSIGNMENT AND EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: The assignment is to be submitted on-time. See the instructions about late submissions and special conditions for extenuating circumstances.
Four (4) hours reading and Four hours writing | 400 - 500 words maximum
You will be able to:
LO2: Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
You will be able to:
LO2: Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognize the importance of ’selling through others’
- P2 Evaluate the benefits of sales structures and how they are organised using specific organisational examples.
- P3 Explain the importance and advantages of the concept of ‘selling through’ others.
- M2 Critically evaluate the implementation of different types of sales structures using specific organisational examples (e.g. geographic, marketing, product sales)
- To recap the lessons
- To memorize and recall the main concepts
- To test knowledge and understanding of the concepts
- See lessons 4 and 5
Low Stakes Assignment
Low Stakes Assignment
P1, P2 & P3
P1, P2 & P3
Mandatory Activity In Lesson Six Class Period
- Quiz to recap learning of the core concepts of lessons 3 and 4
24 hours Reading | 45 minutes of testing
- Each question in the first section is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices. Test your knowledge as you review the terms, concepts and definitions to work toward gaining mastery.
- Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Some questions may ask you to choose more than one correct options.
- Try to answer all questions. In general, if you have some knowledge about a question, it is better to try to answer it.
- You will be required to use your video through the assessments.
- No bathroom break is allowed
- No materials can be in the immediate surrounding. We will be scanning your desktop and surrounding areas before the exam start time, and will continue the monitoring through the exam.
- Sign in at least 15 minutes before the exam start-time.
24 hours Reading | 45 minutes of testing
SUBMISSION DATE | JUNE 1 Please submit the work on-time.
LATE WORK | There are specific requirements for late work and special considerations for extenuating circumstances. Please review the instructions on the course home page.
- You should think about what you have learnt in the lessons and carry out the task thoughtfully and candidly.
- Avoid plagiarizing. While you may revisit your lesson notes and video, you can only use your own words. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and you'll be awarded a fail grade if you cheat.
- The recommended time for this assignment is two hours. The completed work should be no more than 350 words. Your work should be neatly typed, using Arial Font and font size 11.
- You will submit this assignment in the box provided below.
- Read these instructions carefully before you attempt the task.
SUBMISSION DATE | JUNE 1 Please submit the work on-time.
LATE WORK | There are specific requirements for late work and special considerations for extenuating circumstances. Please review the instructions on the course home page.